From the Stand to the Scene: playing full out Over the past two years, my life has changed dramatically. Both professionally and personally. And nearly all of those changes resulted out of my own choice. After 20 years, I ended my marriage, hired a personal trainer, and went all in to build a successful coaching practice. Today, I hold a harmonious co-parenting relationship with my ex-husband Wim, I lift 20 kilos more, run 10 kilometers, and have inspired five wonderfully entrepreneurial women to speak powerfully through my first Speak-it-Easy program. Over the past two years, my life has changed dramatically. Still some things stayed virtually consistent: my father, mother, and children remained the same and I still grab an orange stool shopping at Colruyt to reach for tissues. My mind continues to overflow with ideas, my nights keep presenting themselves relatively restless, and my love for morning coffee and a glass of good evening-red wine remains unchanged. And I invested heavily in coaching. Over the past few years, I surrounded myself with a powerful team of people who choose to go 'full in’. People who unceasingly succeed in moving me from the sidelines to the playfield in life, in all areas! And whom I trust wholeheartedly because they consistently create themselves as the best example of what they preach. Today I'm on the fourth day of the Being Business Retreat with Moritz Lembert, my coach and one of those powerful individuals, and a group of 4 wonderfully aligned players and entrepreneurs. Once again, I see how it - ABSOLUTELY - pays off to stand up and go for what you truly desire, and how simple it is. Without any doubt. More than ever, I understand that the only way to be fully engaged, both in life and in business, is to avoid self-imposed detours and excuses. Yesterday, we were completely thrown out of our comfort zone with the assignment of making as much money as possible in an hour and a half. I felt shocked! There was resistance, fear, doubt: 'I can't do this,' 'I'll look ridiculous,' 'I don't want to,' 'poor me, ...'. And I felt a growing sense of curiosity and ENJOYMENT: 'I WANT TO WIN THIS, DAMN IT!' Suddenly, I witnessed myself calling people without any hesitation, undoubtfully. And with each call, my initial unease grew smaller. I concluded the exercise by calling about 15 people, making a new post and doing a Facebook Live, and earned €225. Out of nowhere in 90 minutes. Over the past few years, a lot has changed for me. In that one moment of play? Everything, my complete way of being. In an instant, I resolutely stepped from the stands onto the field of play. All the reasons for doubt with which I continuously kept myself small and out of my self-created firing line for years disappeared. Because I chose to. In a blink of an eye, I made room for new possibilities and a new truth: I'm in business! Resolutely, I stepped from the stands in the game, from the audience onto the scene. Because I chose to. Do you want to go all in, discover new possibilities, and work and live from your full potential? I'm here for you. Book your introductory session via the button below. Today I'm on the fourth day of the Being Business Retreat with Moritz Lembert, my coach and one of those powerful individuals, and a group of 4 wonderfully aligned players and entrepreneurs. Once again, I see how it - ABSOLUTELY - pays off to stand up and go for what you truly desire, and how simple it is. Without any doubt.
More than ever, I understand that the only way to be fully engaged, both in life and in business, is to avoid self-imposed detours and excuses. Yesterday, we were completely thrown out of our comfort zone with the assignment of making as much money as possible in an hour and a half. I felt shocked! There was resistance, fear, doubt: 'I can't do this,' 'I'll look ridiculous,' 'I don't want to,' 'poor me, ...'. And I felt a growing sense of curiosity and ENJOYMENT: 'I WANT TO WIN THIS, DAMN IT!' Suddenly, I witnessed myself calling people without any hesitation, undoubtfully. And with each call, my initial unease grew smaller. I concluded the exercise by calling about 15 people, making a new post and doing a Facebook Live, and earned €225. Out of nowhere in 90 minutes. Over the past few years, a lot has changed for me. In that one moment of play? Everything, my complete way of being. In an instant, I resolutely stepped from the stands onto the field of play. All the reasons for doubt with which I continuously kept myself small and out of my self-created firing line for years disappeared. Because I chose to. In a blink of an eye, I made room for new possibilities and a new truth: I'm in business! Resolutely, I stepped from the stands in the game, from the audience onto the scene. Because I chose to. Do you want to go all in, discover new possibilities, and work and live from your full potential? I'm here for you. Book your introductory session via the button below.
Speak for yourSelf!