Reflecting on the Being Business Retreat - June 2024LIFE HAS NO MEANIG other than itself. It has no meaning other than the one YOU CHOOSE to CREATE. It will reflect all that you choose as your truth, whether from conscious or unconscious beliefs. Moritz Lembert showed me where my thoughts were NOT reflecting my reality and that I AM NOT MY THOUGHTS. I AM NOT TIRED. I just am and there can be tiredness and still I can CHOOSE whoever I want to be. That is FREEDOM, that is POWER. I've been working with him for four years now and I can honestly say that was truly LIFECHANGING. Last June I joind him and a group of equally inspiring entrepreneurs on the BEING BUSINESS RETREAT in Austria. The video below will give you a taste of how this program fuels transformation. Irreversibly. From 7 to 9 February I will be joining Moritz and Ria Bauhofer at the Being Business Intensive in Vienna. Join me there for FULL CLARITY AND ALIVENESS via this link! 💙✨ Hope to see you there ... #pureselfexpression #beingbusinessretreat #moritzlembert #riabauhofer #sterkspreken #sterkzijn #presentatiecoaching #pureperformancecoaching #ANNythingospossible #SpeakLife #ANNspire #BeingBusinessIntensive
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vanzelfsprekend!We spreken dagelijks. Vaak - al te vaak ? - gaat dat zonder nadenken en vanzelf. En toch, wanneer het plots 'moet' voor een groep, een belangrijk gesprek of aan de telefoon, slaat de paniek toe. Archieven
November 2024